It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over




After spending the first part of my life without them – it’s hard even imagining not having them in our lives at this point.

The smartphone you’re most likely reading this on has more computing power than our first missions to the moon…

That’s a testament to technological advancement.

Smaller and more powerful…

That seems to the mantra of developers everywhere.

However, smartphones, tablets, laptops – those are things we can see.

It makes sense because we can hold these things in our hands…

But what about the things we can’t touch?

What about things that seem so abstract – that it’s almost paranormal?

Things like “the cloud?”

We’re going to take a look at this so-called cloud – where it’s headed – and more importantly…

How to make money from it.

For those that don’t get the concept, let me ease your mind…

No, there is not some ethereal cloud of data floating above our heads in the stratosphere – the cloud just means your data is being stored on an external hard drive housed somewhere secure.

“The Cloud” is just a term they use – as it’s an easy way to describe it.

Like you’re pulling your info from the ether – not a physical place…

But let me assure you these physical places exist – and some companies are getting rich from it…

Such as Oracle (ORCL) who recently reported a strong quarter from it’s cloud business.

Though, not the biggest name in the sector – Oracle has been steadily gaining ground on its competitors…

With some believing it’s the dawning of a new day for the company.

How good were the numbers?

Well, Oracle’s cloud segment posted 45% more revenue than the same time last year…

That’s big.

Oracle’s newest growth engine – coming from an acquisition of medical records provider, Cerner – has some real potential…

As the healthcare industry is playing “catch up” with the cloud trend – and the acquisition of Cerner has given them a leg up.

In fact, founder Larry Ellison is so optimistic, that he feels that Oracle could lure customers away from its bigger rival… Amazon (AMZN).

Now, here’s the kicker…

A lot of that 45% revenue uptick is due to the sales it has made from its Cerner purchase…

But if you were to factor that out – Oracle still puffed it’s revenue up by 29% – which is no easy task …especially in this economy.

In fact, that’s putting them in line with the titans of its industry…

Amazon, Microsoft (MSFT) and Google (GOOG) have all been touting big revenue growth themselves – mentioning number in the 30% – 40% range.

You can bet they see Oracle moving up from the rear…

And you can also bet they’ll do what they can to keep Oracle in the shadows.


Oracle’s making headway now.

Though, Synergy Research Group says the company still lags it’s bigger rivals with under 5% of the cloud market.

But Oracle has a secret weapon up its sleeve…

Unlike the titans of its industry – Oracle’s share price and market cap are much lower than its competitors.

That means it’s an attractive choice for both new business – who can pay cheaper rates…

And for investors – who can get in on a resurgent company that’s gaining ground in its industry.

That’s how you keep your feet on the ground… but your head in the clouds.

You know, GorillaTrades has some similarities with Oracle.

While there are bigger stock services out there – the fact is – not many can boast the track record that we can…

And more and more, people are turning to GorillaTrades to help them navigate the turbulent markets.

We’d love to have you along for the next round of picks…

But we understand if you’d rather go it alone – at least consider joining GorillaTrades today.

We can help you in any kind of market.

Either way, keep your eye on Oracle…

It could be the perfect fit for your portfolio.


“Life is never more fun than when you’re the underdog competing against the giants.” – Ross Perot


Image and article originally from Read the original article here.