It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over



There’s something about celebrity and fame that people tend to forget…

And that’s the simple fact that you’re popular… until you aren’t.


People just fall out of favor.

As I think back to the biggest stars and celebrities of my youth – very few of them are in the spotlight today.

Some have passed…

And some of have passed on to obscurity.

Ask anybody under 40 if they know who Lee Majors is and you’ll see what I’m talking about…

However, in business – it’s a little different.

In business, you’re popular…

Until people stop making money with you.

It’s a harsh fact…

And it seems like it’s something that Tesla’s Wunderkind, Elon Musk, is starting to experience himself.

Is Elon losing his luster?

Well, not as the leader of Tesla (TSLA)…

Tesla is fine.

No, there’s another reason people are starting to get a little tired of the South African tech superstar…

And that’s the fact that Elon Musk loves to make bold predictions.

Sometimes… he’s right.

However, sometimes he says things that are so outlandish – that people start to question whether he’s a certifiable genius…

Or just a genius marketer.

And what I mean by this is the fact that about an hour before the market closed recently, Musk strategically tweeted: “I will not let you down, no matter what it takes”

And for some reason – investors ate this up – and the pushed the stock higher as the market came to a close

However, that’s not an example of what I mean…

That came during Tesla’s earnings conference call when he made the fantastical claim that his company’s market value – around $700 billion today – will one day surpass Apple (AAPL) and Saudi Aramco…


That’s means that Musk’s EV company would be worth more than $4 trillion… with capital T.

But he didn’t stop there…

As he also teased a stock buyback of anywhere between $5 and $10 billion next year.

Now, I’ll admit, Musk hasn’t disappointed Tesla’s shareholders yet…

But those bold claims will need to be backed up or he’ll be facing some big backlash – because one thing I know for certain: his $4 trillion valuation is a BIG ask

There are signs that confidence in the Wunderkind is starting to wane.

Tesla has an ambitious target to grow deliveries by 50% a year over a multi-year time frame – and it most likely won’t hit that target in 2022…

As it has fallen behind for a couple of consecutive quarters.

Now, chalk that up to linger COVID supply chain issues…

But it could also mean that demand for EVs is starting to fade – as some data suggests that year-on-year growth for Tesla’s cars is slowing in the US.

Tesla’s stock has lost nearly HALF of its value from last year’s high.

Of course, investors are still riding high on the 800% gain the stock has recorded over the last five years…

But it looks like shareholders’ faith is being tested a little bit more with each passing quarter.

Plus, you can’t forget the Twitter takeover debacle…

Regardless, Elon has made some very big promises – and if he wants his standing and his company to remain at the top of the mountain – he better deliver.

Delivering is something GorillaTrades knows all about…

We’ve been delivering stock opportunities for years now – 23 years tpo be exact – and it’s why we’re one of the most trusted stock services on the entire internet.

We don’t make recommendations on emotions or guesses…

Our picks are based data and hard numbers – not gut feelings.

Which is why I’m urging you to become a member of GorillaTrades today…

In today’s economic uncertainty, we can help give you peace of mind that your money is working for you – not against you.

If not, I understand…

Just do yourself a favor, keep your eye on Tesla – things could soon get very interesting.


“Promises may get thee friends, but non-performance will turn them into enemies.” – Benjamin Franklin


Image and article originally from Read the original article here.