How to Build a Sales Funnel by Marketing to Millennials


Why should advisors be marketing to millennials?

Because there are over 70 million American millennials, who make up about 30% of the entire population, that’s why.

Also known as Gen Y, millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. They were given this name because their generation came of age during the millennium. This also makes them the first generation to utilize a mobile-first mindset, as many of them were still minors when smartphones were first introduced.

At C2P Enterprises, we guide financial advisors with customizable collateral that boosts their competitive edge. This helps our advisors keep their clients effortlessly engaged no matter their generation.

Why is Marketing to Millennials Important for Financial Advisors?

Your goal is to ensure that the right message goes to the right person at the right time, so you can guide your prospects through the buyer’s journey from prospect all the way to happy customer.

When you delight your clients, they will tell their friends. Imagine how many referrals a millennial could make throughout their life if you attract them now, and they stay with your firm through retirement.

Millennials are 25% more likely to engage with digital marketing than older generations, with online video being their preferred medium.

Did you know YouTube is one of the leading search engines behind Google and ahead of Amazon?

55% of millennials watch videos on multiple devices. So, when marketing to millennials, it should be responsive and mobile-friendly.

92% of millennials reported that digital marketing and online presence were important factors when deciding whether they would submit personal information or fill out a form. They have grown up in a digital age, so if your online presence isn’t up to par with their expectations, they will just move on to the next one.

Use an Authentic Brand and Personal Touch to Build a Sales Funnel

Millennials want to work with organizations that they trust and causes they believe in—74% claimed they would make a purchase if the company supports a cause they personally believe in.

As you build a sales funnel, remember honesty and authenticity are important to 90% of this generation. Don’t keep everything close to the vest. Share your wisdom freely using informative content marketing programs that will attract and convert qualified leads. One-third of millennials utilize blogs for research when they’re considering a purchase.

Sprinkle in some humor—funny marketing programs are the most popular among millennials at 44%, while informative content comes in second at 30%.

85% of millennials are likely to purchase personalized services like a customized holistic financial plan.

And now, thanks to the new SEC compliance rules, you can add a personal touch by utilizing first-hand endorsements and testimonials. You still have to maintain marketing compliance rules which are designed to regulate financial advisor client communications.

For your high-net-worth clients, you can take it a step further. Send them a small, personalized gift to stay top-of-mind and stand out from the competition. The holidays are the perfect time for this; don’t forget a handwritten note!

On an episode of the Rainmaker Multiplier On-Demand Podcast, Bryan Bibbo told a story about a client who mentioned they were planning a trip to Tahiti for their birthday during a call. So, he sent them a travel book on Tahiti.

How to Market to Millennials Using Marketing Automation

As John Del Greco puts it—you want it to feel like the client is hugging you with their eyes when you’re in a face-to-face meeting.

But how do you make that sort of connection with your marketing automation efforts?

When you’re marketing to millennials, it should still feel personal, even if they’re in an automated marketing system within your CRM. It shouldn’t feel distant and cold, but rather warm and inviting.

Use key indicators like pain points to organize them in your CRM and get them into the proper sales funnel. Guide each prospect and lead through a logical workflow that will take them through a natural progression of the buyer’s journey.

How to Market to Millennials Using Social Media

If you want your marketing automation to work on a younger demographic, you need to make the most out of both organic and paid social media.

Doing so is easier than ever now because of the new SEC compliance rules.

Millennials are 54% more likely than previous generations to purchase a product because a social media influencer referred it, and 25% more likely to buy a product or service because of a social media ad.

If you don’t have the capacity to create your own content marketing campaigns, stay updated on influencers in the industry to see how they’re marketing to millennials.

Use this research to learn how to market to millennials in your own way. Don’t be afraid to repurpose what you learn with your own clients.

  • What media are top influencers using to build a sales funnel?
  • How are they authentically marketing to millennials?
  • Do they have an analogy or metaphor that simplifies a complex concept?
  • What campaigns are they implementing to move prospects through the process?
  • How are they using social media to generate leads?

To learn more about marketing to millennials and how C2P Enterprises can help with your marketing compliance, book a free 20-minute consultation with one of our business development representatives.

Originally published on C2P Enterprises.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.


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