It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over



Are you ready for another shift in the markets?

It’s coming…

And knowing it’s coming is half the battle when it comes to the stock market.

Yes, we’ve got a bunch of acorns falling on our heads – but that doesn’t mean the sky is falling…

It just means that something is shaking the tree.

We can always take comfort in knowing that there are always opportunities out there – even though what’s shaking the tree is ALWAYS changing.

We can blame this round of fallen acorns on the state of US consumer prices.

How are they affecting our economy?

Even more…

How are they affecting the stock market?

Keep reading to find out…

It’s always something, right?

It seems America stepped in some of the proverbial dog doo in 2020 and hasn’t been able to scrape it all the way off its shoes.

Just when you think things are going good…

Boom – another pile.

Maybe we should clean up the yard after the dog goes out.

What’s the problem now?

Well, new data came out last week that showed US consumer prices continued to climb by more than expected last month.

In a time of almost peak inflation…

This is what would be considered “bad news.”

A hoax report came out last week that US consumer prices were 10.2% higher in June than the same time last year – and even though these numbers weren’t real – it was enough to cause stocks to slump.

People need to be more careful with what they believe…

Though, the fact is – that 10.2% wasn’t far off.

In the REAL report, it was shown that consumer prices rose 9.1% in June… which is 0.5% higher than May’s 8.6% and looks to be speeding up as it outpaced the jump from April (8.3%).

Can you guess what the driving factor was?

If you said, energy and food prices – you win. They were up 42% and 10% respectively than the same time last year…

And even though salaries have been rising lately – they’re not rising fast enough – as the data showed that inflation-adjusted hourly wages fell 3.6%.

While this sounds like a nightmare…

It doesn’t mean it’s bad for the markets.

In fact, we could be in for a little bit of an upturn…

As Deutsche Bank revealed that the market has historically rallied during an earnings season that follows a selloff like the one we’ve just seen.

But here’s the rub…

This data just increases the likelihood that the Fed will raise interest rates again later this month – which will continue to make the US dollar an appealing prospect for international savers and investors.

The EU’s Central Bank seems to be taking the opposite approach…

As it has been reluctant to hike rates – making the Euro unattractive to investors.

It’s most likely the reason why the Euro fell below the value of the US dollar for the first time in 20 years.

Now that you know what’s shaking the tree…

It’s time to get prepared to catch the acorns.

GorillaTrades was designed to help investors profit in any kind of market…

Bull, bear, whatever – it doesn’t matter – our unique trading system uses data and hard numbers to make our recommendations.

That means you never have to guess whether or not one of our picks will perform well…

You’ll know that we put the work behind it to be sure we’ve got a great pick.

While a lot of stock services use hunches and “gut feelings” on theirs…

Here at GorillaTrades – we only make recommendations on companies that have the numbers behind them to be potentially hugewinners.

I believe it’s what separates us from the rest of the pack.

I would love to have you on board for our next round of picks…

Which is why I’m asking you to subscribe to GorillaTrades today – that way you lock in your spot for our next email.

Hopefully, you’ll take us up on our offer…

Either way, don’t fret too much.

There are a LOT of opportunities to make money out there…

You just need to know where to look.



“Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man.” – Ronald Reagan


Image and article originally from Read the original article here.